Online Calculator Propositional Logic
This calculator computes truth values for simple propositional expressions.
The following symbols may appear in the terms:
- Variables x, y, z
- Constants 1 (true) and 0 (false)
- Negation (not), symbol ¬
- Conjunction (and), symbol ∧
- Disjunction (or), symbol ∨
- Implication (if ... then), symbol ⇒
- Equivalence (if and only if), symbol ⇔
- Parentheses
For ¬, ∧, ∨, ⇒, ⇔ this convention applies:
The further to the left a symbol is in the enumeration, the more strongly it binds.
By this rule it is possible in many cases to reduce the number of parentheses.
You can read the following informations in the output area (on the left):
- Given term
- Comment (type of the complete term or indication of an incomplete term)
- Truth table (truth values of the variables and the given term)
- Disjunctive normal form
- Conjunctive normal form